Save your money : invest in a profidrill line
We deliver some of the best structural steel drilling machines on the market, and we can confidently offer some of the best prices on structural steel beam drill lines anywhere.
It is not uncommon to save upwards of 20% or more over comparable competitors machines—all while maintaining machine quality, speed, and performance.
Profidrill PDL-3D-PRO Drilling Machines
PDL-3D-PRO – The automatic drilling line range
Profidrill PDL-3D-PRO Drilling Machines provide high quality solutions in manufacturing of steel construction, bridge construction, shipyards and various fields of construction sector. Profidrill series have the drilling capacity of H, I, and U profiles or angles with 10-35 mm standard diameters or more.
The 3x3-spindle model is the ideal choice for maximum time savings on your drill line. With this model, in dimensions of 300 and 400 mm, holes can be drilled in 3 directions, while the material remains idle, which means: you can make drills without any drive of the profile. There are also 3 tool-changing systems with a linear super-fast tool changer for each spindle. These benefits (and many more) translate into huge time savings and increased flexibility.
PDL automatic drilling lines are used for the drilling process of the IPE, HEA, HEB, UNP, U-Channel, Steel Angles, Square or Rectangular Tubes. They have been developed with the purpose of increasing the production accuracy and efficiency of steel bars and profiles, which have been in continuous demand by the big steel construction companies.
The PDL-3D drilling line brings the needed automation in processing various shape bars by eliminating the preparatory work, positioning uncertainty thus significantly increasing the productivity and reducing the process time.
Profidrill PDL-3D Drilling lines for beam and structural steel, provide an affordable high quality solutions in manufacturing of steel construction, bridge construction, shipyards and various fields of construction sector.
Profidrill series have the drilling capacity of H, I, and U profiles or angles with 10-35 mm standard diameters or more.
Time Savings
The 3x3-spindle model is the ideal choice for maximum time savings on your drill line. With this model, in dimensions of 300/400/700/1000/1600/2200mm, holes can be drilled in 3 directions, while the material remains idle.
Flexibility and speed in drilling
The 3x3-spindle model is the ideal choice for maximum time savings on your drill line.
With this model, in dimensions of 300/400/700/1000/1600/2200mm, holes can be drilled in 3 directions, while the material remains idle, which means: you can make drills without any drive of the profile. There are also 3 tool-changing systems with a super fast tool changing for each spindle. These benefits (and many more) translate into huge time savings.

Profidrill PDL-3D-Pro drilling lines
The Profidrill PDL-3D-Pro drilling lines are a budget system ideal for the smaller steel fabricator or as a second line for the large fabricator. With standard 3 side simultanious drilling function and intergrated roller conveyors. Build with a rigid frame construction, so these line are very easy to install.
Offered with the three drilling spindles these machines give real production at a very low cost and a great entry to automated beam processing. This beam drilling line can process I beam, channel, flat bar, angles, tubes and pipes up to and has a built in roller feed measuring system.
Simplicity, superior design, and machine productivity have led the Profidrill PDL-3D-PRO drill lines by Profimach® to become an industry standard of structural
steel fabricators throughout the world wide.
The compact and economical Profidrill PDL-3D-PRO drill lines by Profimach® is a value with dramatic payback possibilities for small- to medium-sized fabricators as a principal line or as a secondary line for larger shops.
A minimal investment for maximum productivity… the Profidrill PDL-3D-PRO fabricating cell reduces material handling, decreases labor costs, and saves precious shop floor space.